Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 24

Now, don't fall over... but yes, I've got two posts in two days!

Patrick's email mentioned that this is about the time where we get a little antsy and cranky with our diet and exercise routines. Me? I've always been a little different. So it's not surprising to me that I was dealing with the antsy-ness and cranky-ness over the last two weeks and (for now) it's out of my system and I'm going strong!

I actually (finally) got my ass up early (can I say ass on my blog?) and did my workout in the morning. My alarm was set for 5 am and I snoozed until 5:45 am, but I did it. I took the El downtown to my gym and just did it. The entire workout lasted about an hour and a half. The majority of my time is spent jumping. Since I can't string together more than about 75 jumps (and that's a really good streak!)... it takes me forever.

Speaking of jumping - it leaves me very winded. I was diagnosed with asthma (as an adult, go figure) but I'm not convinced that I really have it. I don't know what it is, but I don't think it's asthma (and, apparently, I think I'm smarter than my doctor). So I've been using my inhaler which kinda works but not really (which perpetuates my I'm-way-smarter-than-my-doctor psychosis).

Continuing the speaking of jumping - since I was at the gym today there were mirrors everywhere and I could really see how I was performing my exercises. I'm not sure this was a good thing. However, I did notice that during my jumps, when I am in the air, my right leg hangs a little bit posterior to my left leg. I've known that I have a slight rotation in my torso, but didn't connect the fact that my legs will dangle funny. I think this is preventing me from stringing more jumps together. Well, I think it's at least one factor. My general lack of coordination my be another factor.

No more speaking of jumps - at least for the time being.

Squats. FIVE SETS?!! Really? OUCH! I really don't like this leg work. And I am not looking forward to any new leg work.

Planks. They were hard. I had a very similar experience to Abby -- I trained in Krav Maga several years ago and we had to do planks for two or three minutes at a time. They were awful. But we all cheated (I didn't know at the time that we were cheating) by moving our hands medially into a prayer position. But to be fair, I really was praying. Praying that my abs did not rip right off their attachment sites and roll up like a window shade. But that was several years ago and today, especially with doing them the "right" way, the planks were hard.

In any case, I'll take 3x30 second planks over 5x20 squats. Heck, I think I'll take 5x30 second planks over 5x20 squats.

I missed breakfast. Ate my egg white for an AM snack. (Who was it that recently said "an egg white is not a snack". I agree. Patrick, I think you need to rethink this snack.) Had my PCP lunch. And then had a huge and delicious spinach, mushroom & tomato salad for dinner. I've discovered that squeezing some lime on my breakfast/lunch/dinner is delicious.

Also, I suck at cooking. I started steaming some broccoli before I began this post (steaming is my new favorite way to cook veggies), the water has all boiled out of the pot and the house stinks. The pan is destroyed and will be tossed. It would be embarrassing to admit how many pans I have had to throw away because I've boiled it dry. Suffice it to say, I really need to be supervised while in the kitchen.

I told you that I was a little different.


  1. Lime squeeze huh? I will give that a try on my prison food. I have multiple friends telling me my food photos look SO unappealing they think PCP is pure agony. They don't realize: the food is not the agony, it's THE PLANKS.
    Great job on working out in the AM, btw. Feels damn fine for the rest of the day, huh?
    As for steaming veggies, try a tortilla warmer in the microwave. I have one that is basically two pieces of rubber/silicone. I just slice up whatever veggies I have, toss them into the warmer and nuke it in the microwave for a few minutes.
    Since microwaves cook by heating the water already inside the veggies, they get steamed from the inside out -- very efficient and hard to screw up.
    Finally, I am not a doctor but I suspect the jumps leave you winded because doing so many of them is a pretty rigorous cardio workout! Gets the heart pumping and lunging breathing. Also I think it is THE perfect low-burn cardio, because when you really get tired, you trip, and therefore stop jumping. Giving yourself a couple seconds to rest and bring the heartrate down / regulate breathing.
    When you get into a nice groove, it's all rhythm, and every time you do 75 in a row you steal my rhythm and I trip, because there simply cannot be enough rhythm in the world to support all these people PCPing at once!

  2. Two posts in two days!!! We love it!

  3. I don't love legwork either, but that's all we'll be focusing on for the next few weeks. Be patient and just go one set at a time.

  4. Post each day

    (Applause fills room)
